Hi, I'm Anthony! 👋
This journal is about my extended [[Fasting]] journey starting on the night of March 12, 2021, [[Day-0]], which I write to document [[Why-I-Started]], how I'm feeling each day, the challenges I've faced, and the improvements I've seen over time. This is written for myself and it contains my understanding and journey as I learn about the powerful aspects of fasting. This journey was completely medically unsupervised, and I do not suggest anyone do this without supervision.
I am by no means a medical professional, nor is any of this medical advice. This is just a journal documenting the information that I've found and what I've experienced in hopes of educating others.
While reading this, if anything here triggers interesting thoughts and discussions in your mind (whether you agree, disagree, or want to take it further), send me an email and let's talk!
The only index is for each individual day which is listed below if you're interested on a particular one. You can navigate by clicking on the links on each of the pages that pique your interest:
This journal is sparked by the notes by Andy Matuschak and developed using Mathieu Dutour's gatsby-digital-garden
If you think this note resonated or was helpful, be it positive or negative, send me an email! I would love to hear from you.