Anthony's Fasting Journal

Day 6

March 18, 2021

Starting weight: 177.4lbs (12pm, -1.2lbs)

Ending weight: 176.8lbs (9:50pm, -0.6lbs)

This day was a lot better after I muscled through my lack of sleep. This was kind of similar to the start of [[Day-3]], but with more sporadic sleep cycles. I slept last night at around 12:30am and woke up at 5:30am, stayed up until 8:30am and went back to sleep till 9:50am, then woke up again until 12pm. So overall, sleep was just all over the place, I kept watching cooking and eating videos during my awake cycles which definitely did not help my hunger that night (probably a good idea to not do this in the future). After I had woken up at 12pm, I did some work and overall productivity is steady. I don't think I've recognized any euphoria or mental clarity, but I think my senses have been improving. The scale also helps, it keeps me accountable and motivated to continue. I went on another walk today for 4224 steps, but my speed was not as quick as it usually is. This might be a lack of energy or motivation or it being too cold and too dark outside because it was between 8-8:30pm. Later in the evening I noticed that there was some redness on my lats, belly, and upper back. I didn't think much of it, but I just took a note of it. Then I went to bed at 12am not feeling hungry at all.


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Day 6