Anthony's Fasting Journal

Day 7

March 19, 2021

Starting weight: 175.6lbs (9am, -1.2lbs)

Ending weight: 175.2lbs (10:30pm, -0.4lbs)

Today feels like my regular days. I slept at 12am-ish and woke up at around 9am. During the night though and this morning, I had some itching on the same red areas described [[Day-6]]. The itching feeling (aka "keto rash") is noticeable but not unbearable. After doing some reading, it's not permanent or dangerous, but I will keep monitoring it and see how much further I can go without any food and supplements. Besides that, I did have a dream about [[Refeeding]] which was interesting. I had eaten some grapes and this like cheesy, starchy mixture and I actually tried to hide the food and plates that I used from my roommates. Maybe I was ashamed or embarassed that I wasn't going with I had planned and decided to "quit" earlier than I did. When I write about it now, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarassed about, I can look back and laugh at this 😄. I did another walk for 6797 around a trail, which was good but I again was pretty slow. No decrease in cognitive ability, but I did take a nap in the early evening for 1-2 hours to rest up. My itching from the keto rash was a little bit more noticeable during the evening when I'm doing nothing. Other than that, I feel fine though, no hunger cues at all.

I listened to another podcast while I was walking with Dr. Alan Goldhamer on Health Theory and he talked about [[Gluconeogenesis]] and so in my future days, I'm going to avoid walking and just rest as much as I can. What's interesting about what he talks about is that when we take this really slow approach to fasting, we can feel more like crap than moving, but that doesn't matter. What matters is how well we get. Once we come back by [[Refeeding]], we'll get much better.


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Day 7