March 20, 2021
Last night, I slept much later, at around 1-2am because of the nap yesterday, but I woke up fine, no issues. 👏 Today ends my complete 0 calorie fast 💪. Although I had some tea, apple cider vinegar with water, and some lemon water on a couple of the days (still 0 calories), it was mostly just water. I missed the feeling of chewing and cooking, so I decided to break my 0 calorie fast, but continue with an [[OMAD]] approach.
I'm going through my planned [[Refeeding]] which is some miso soup and tofu, but I added some spinach for more vitamins. I cut the tofu and spinach really small, cooked the hell out of the miso (had alcohol for preservative), tofu, and spinach to make the digestion easier too. The first sips were honestly invigorating; I could feel the life coming back into my limbs. It was bland because there wasn't any salt, but still delicious. I also chewed the hell out of it, to again, make it easier for my stomach. The portion size was <80 calories and it was my only meal. I want to take a conservative and safe approach to it as to not shock my body. I took another nap for 1-2 hours, I just find it easy to relax and get my body used to things. For tomorrows meal, I will be making the same miso, tofu, and spinach soup with more volume and some peas, and kale/broccoli. As an extra drink, green juice (kale, 1/2 apple, water) and lemon water.
My keto rash is more noticeable on my hands, it has little red bumps, but it's not very itchy and not too much of a nuissance if I'm keeping busy. My hunger later in the evening grew, but not as crazy when I started on [[Day-1]] or [[Day-2]]. Other than that, I feel great, got some work done, but no walking today.
If you think this note resonated or was helpful, be it positive or negative, send me an email! I would love to hear from you.