Anthony's Fasting Journal

Day 3

March 15, 2021

This day was a little bit better. I had slept for 12 hours, but I was just having insane problems getting out of bed. I didn't think much about food, and my hunger pains weren't as pronounced as the previous days, but I was really exhausted in the morning. I took 2500mcg of B12, some salt, and 4000 IU of vitamin D and I felt much better. Maybe this was a placebo effect, but nonetheless, I took a walk to not focus so much on my hunger cues. I walked for 10251 steps to Connestoga mall to find some miso paste (unfortunately I didn't find any), vitamins, and organic apple cider vinegar (to maybe suppress my hunger and induce good bacteria for my gut). I planned to have some miso soup with little bits of tofu as one of my first meals during the [[Refeeding]] process (whenever that was). I watched TV for a couple of hours and then took a nap for about 1-2 hours. Productivity today was pretty low, just took it slow and enjoyed my time not focusing on food. My hunger pains continued to not be a huge problem and I went to sleep regularly.


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Day 3