Anthony's Fasting Journal

One Of The Strongest Systems Within Our Body

There's a saying you've probably heard of: "you are what you eat" or "gut feeling". It's something we don't think about too much, but our gut bicrobiome is extremely impactful. It can help us with:

  • Increasing performance
  • Decreasing sickness
  • Improving recovery time
  • Managing our mood
  • Decreasing stress, anxiety and depression
  • And much more

Well then what is the gut microbiome? Our gut microbiome consists of multiple organs including our intestine, stomach, colon, mouth, and it consists of fungi, bacteria, and all the little bits and pieces that process food. Gut promoting foods and diets can improve integral chemicals that everyone has such as epinephrine, seratonin, dopamine, and melatonin. A healthy gut is a healthy mind, and so we have to cognizant about what we put into our mouths so that we can improve our gut microbiome 1.


  1. TEDx Talks. (2019, December 12). Your Gut Microbiome: The Most Important Organ You’ve Never Heard Of | Erika Ebbel Angle | TEDxFargo. YouTube.

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One Of The Strongest Systems Within Our Body